Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Best Laid Plans Go Oft Awry

 And Then, Life Happened......

Hello friends! I thought I would pop on and let you know how things are going post surgery, as I promised I would. I am almost to the two week mark past my first eye surgery for cataracts and things along that front seem to be going well. My eye was blurry for several days following the surgery, which is normal, but I had no significant pain or problems otherwise. I wore an eye shield at night for the first week and am continuing with antibiotic eye drops three times per day, for a total of three weeks. I have also discovered that I can now use my mid-range music glasses as my long distance eyeglasses now and still use my bifocal glasses for reading. This should help me to get through the weeks until my second eye surgery happens. This second surgery had to be delayed because......both my husband and I caught Covid. My husband developed symptoms a couple days after my surgery and I succumbed about three days after him. 

Thankfully, neither of us have developed worse symptoms other than the usual fever, aches, congestion, tiredness that comes with a "milder" case. It still makes you feel pretty crummy, though! And so, here I am wearing two types of eyeglasses so I can see both near and far. It's an inconvenience, but certainly not something that I can't endure. I'm trying to stay positive as I await my second surgery which is now scheduled for the end of October. 

This was not the plan, however, life doesn't always go according to our plans, does it?! 

I'll be back in a few days with a new post in which I will share some of my Fall decorating ideas. Happy September to all. May some more comfortable temperatures be on the way soon!

Until Next Time,


Joy said...

Hi, Debbie. I'm so glad the first op went well. Isn't Covid a nuisance, even if it is generally no longer anything to worry about. I'm glad you have a date for the other eye. xx

Sharon said...

Happy September to you, Debbie! I'm glad you are recovering well from Covid and from your first eye surgery. I'll look forward to your next post with fall decor ideas.

Anonymous said...

I am anxious to get the go ahead for my eyes. I’m so sorry that you’re second surgery had to be rescheduled and so far away! Feel better soon.

Iris said...

Oh, I'm so sorry ya'll had COVID, but happy that your cataract surgry went well. And, you're sure right about "the best laid plans"... seems to always be that way with me. My cataract surgery went well (a numbr of years ago) and I was very pleased with the outcome. Praying for ya'll for health and "good outcome" to your plans.

Debbie Styles Life said...

Thanks so much Joy, Sharon, Iris and my anonymous commenter for your lovely comments! I continue to do well and appreciate your reading, and commenting on, my post. Have a wonderful week!