Sunday, September 8, 2024

Where Have All The Bloggers Gone?

 Bloggers MIA

Image by Freepik

Hello friends! I have a mystery that I would like your help in solving. I have spent quite a bit of time today looking for new blog posts from favorite bloggers who seem to have disappeared from the blogosphere. And many of these are bloggers that I feature in my right hand column so that I (and others) can easily find their blogs and their latest posts.

People like Andrea Nine who wrote "Living on Cloud Nine" and Shellie from "The FABulous Journey." And how about Laurie Bronze from "Vanity & Me?" I can't even find newly written posts from some of these folks on Instagram, where I know many bloggers have moved to. 

It makes me worry about people, whom I have come to know as friends through reading their blogs over the years, when they suddenly aren't writing new blog posts. Has something happened to them? Are they sick? Or have they simply decided not to blog anymore? 

I do see posts from Shellie Bowdoin on FaceBook from time to time, so at least I know she is doing well. She and her husband are missionaries in the Philippines and I have followed her through her son's cancer diagnosis and healing and her daughter's wedding. But, she hasn't created a new blog post in a very long time. 

It seems like so much has changed over the years since I began blogging. There used to be soooo many bloggers and here lately folks seem to be dropping like flies from their blogs. It's kind of sad to me. I realize that for folks trying to make money that Instagram is a huge pull, but there is still something so lovely about being able to visit people's blogs and look at pictures and learn what is happening, or not happening, in their lives. I have always been drawn to lifestyle blogs because you can really get to know people through them. And whether you live near or far from them, we all share so much in common. And there is such a sense of community in blogging. It still thrills me that I have folks in England and Canada, as well as the USA, who read my blog! Who would have thought that could happen for little old me??

I'll be the first to share that I know my blog pictures aren't of the professional Instagram-like quality that some writers boast. And, I've always said that I live in a home and not a museum. So everything in my pics are far from perfection. But the thing is, we all share a love of home. Of making, and styling, the very best lives we possibly can. And, as bloggers, we love sharing that with others. 

So, I promise, that if I ever decide to give up blogging, I will be sure to let you all know before I disappear from the blogosphere. So you won't have to worry about me. Or wonder why I am quitting. And Andrea, Laurie and Shellie-if you're reading this, please let me know that you're doing okay. And please know I really miss reading your new posts! And, if any of you dear readers know something I don't know about how to find these bloggers or why there are no new posts on their blogs, please do share with me. 

And many thanks, as always, to each of you for taking the time to read Debbie Styles Life! Each of you has a special place in my heart! ❣

Until Next Time,
Debbie (this and that)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Early Autumn Home Decor

 Decorating for Early Fall

Hello friends! Can you believe that September is underway? And that, along with some cooler temperatures, has me thinking about how I want to decorate for early Fall around the house. So, as promised, I'm sharing what I have accomplished thus far. 

I decided to decorate the little faux pine tree that sits atop my curio cabinet with Fall color ribbon and some lovely Fall leaves. 

It's cheerful during the daylight hours and absolutely stunning at night when it lights up the corner of our dining room. Sooo pretty!

And on the dining room table is a bowl filled with pumpkins and squash. I found these at Dollar Tree and was pleasantly surprised at the quality. 

The colors are just right to match the table and cabinets in the room. 

And on the foyer table there is a new Fall flower arrangement along with a gold pumpkin. It's a little early for too many pumpkins just yet, so I will save the rest of my collection for closer to October. 

And then, it's always fun to add a few simple items around the house which speak to Fall like this apple orchard tea towel.

And this gray and white pumpkin that I picked up at Dollar Tree. Doesn't it look perfect on the shelf with my other gray/white bathroom decor?!

I've really enjoyed changing a few things up around the house as September gets underway. And I'm sure I'll be adding things here and there as Fall truly gets underway. I'll keep you posted. 

Tell me, how are you preparing for Fall at your house? Be sure to share in the comments section!

Until Next Time,

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Best Laid Plans Go Oft Awry

 And Then, Life Happened......

Hello friends! I thought I would pop on and let you know how things are going post surgery, as I promised I would. I am almost to the two week mark past my first eye surgery for cataracts and things along that front seem to be going well. My eye was blurry for several days following the surgery, which is normal, but I had no significant pain or problems otherwise. I wore an eye shield at night for the first week and am continuing with antibiotic eye drops three times per day, for a total of three weeks. I have also discovered that I can now use my mid-range music glasses as my long distance eyeglasses now and still use my bifocal glasses for reading. This should help me to get through the weeks until my second eye surgery happens. This second surgery had to be delayed because......both my husband and I caught Covid. My husband developed symptoms a couple days after my surgery and I succumbed about three days after him. 

Thankfully, neither of us have developed worse symptoms other than the usual fever, aches, congestion, tiredness that comes with a "milder" case. It still makes you feel pretty crummy, though! And so, here I am wearing two types of eyeglasses so I can see both near and far. It's an inconvenience, but certainly not something that I can't endure. I'm trying to stay positive as I await my second surgery which is now scheduled for the end of October. 

This was not the plan, however, life doesn't always go according to our plans, does it?! 

I'll be back in a few days with a new post in which I will share some of my Fall decorating ideas. Happy September to all. May some more comfortable temperatures be on the way soon!

Until Next Time,