Sunday, August 4, 2024

What's In My Book Basket?

 A Few Good Books

Hello friends!  As promised, I'm sharing with you the books that are in my book basket right now. As you know, I enjoy reading and always have two or three books going at the same time. I find reading to be relaxing and one of my favorite things to do each day. Some days slip away without my visiting a book or two but those days are few and far between!

My friend, Sharon, was kind in letting me borrow the latest, and final, book in the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear. I have been a Maisie Dobbs fan since the first book in the series came out in 2003. Without giving info that would be a spoiler, I can tell you that this final novel (#18), "The Comfort of Ghosts," ties up many loose ends in Maisie's life. I'm kind of sad that this series has ended and am currently hoping to find another mystery type series that I will enjoy like I did this one. 

I found "Sister Eve and The Blue Nun" by Lynne Hinton at our local used bookstore recently and decided to give this series a try. This mystery series features Sister Evangeline Divine, a young nun who is trying to decide whether to stay in the monastery life or join her detective father in the detective business. There are several books in this series as well. This particular book is interesting but isn't keeping my attention as well as the Maisie Dobbs books. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get into a series, though. So, I will continue reading this book and see what happens. This is also a later book in the series and I may benefit from reading the first book in order to feel more "grounded" in this particular series. 

"The Year at Thrush Green" is one of the books by my beloved British author, Miss Read, aka Dora Saint. I find Miss Read's books to be gentle stories of life in British villages and they always feature wonderful characters who come to life in ways that make them seem like they are your friends. This particular book takes each month of the year and highlights events happening in the village of Thrush Green that impact the lives of all of the characters such as Winnie Bailey the doctor's widow, Dotty Harmer the quirky lady who befriends animals and Albert Piggott's wife, Nellie, who loses a dear friend and must bravely carry on running "The Fuschia Bush" tea room by herself. Whenever I feel rumpled in spirit, a few minutes of reading a Miss Read book always calms me and makes me feel better. Even though I have read all of her many books time and time again, I still return to them frequently as do many other readers. I belong to a couple of FaceBook groups that are dedicated to Miss Read fans and everyone in the groups is in agreement about the beauty of these books. 

So, that is what is in my book basket at the moment. Have any of you read any of these books? Do you have some good titles to recommend? Please let all of us know in the comments!

Until Next Time,


Joy said...

LIke you, I have loved the Maisie Dobbs books and I'm gutted the series is ending. I haven't read the last book yet, I'm waiting for an occasion.
ANd Miss Read - incomparable! Witty, perceptive, gentle and the first book, Village School, was required reading before I did my teacher training, so very long ago.

Iris said...

I love reading too, but it seems to get more and more difficult to find books that I really enjoy. I like the "cozy mysteries" - but it seems the majority of the newer ones are all the same thing. Nothing new or really interesting. I've gone back to a series I enjoyed many years ago - have read them all - have them all - "the cat who series" by Lilian Jackson Braun.

Sharon said...

I always like to hear what books you're reading. After reading The Comfort of Ghosts, I re-read some Maeve Binchy books. I enjoy her writing and had really forgotten some of the details of her books, so it was nice to revisit the characters. Now I have started reading the Louise Penny books featuring the investigator Armand Gamache. I think starting with the first book in the series and reading them in order is the key. I'm enjoying the characters in the village of Three Pines.