Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Faithful Thursday "Letting the Light Filter Through"


You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

Psalms 18:28

Hello friends!  The other day it was raining really hard at our house. We have actually had quite a bit of rain lately. And as the rain ended, I looked out my kitchen window and saw sunlight filtering through the trees hitting the grass and the gravel on our driveway. It was so beautiful and cheerful after the darkness of the storm that had just passed through. But, the storm was over and bright sunlight was now filtering through.

You know, sometimes life can bring darkness and storms. Troubled days can pour down like rainfall and surround us with the thunder and lightning of problems and concerns. Everyone has seasons of trouble and it is a sad fact of life. 

During these times, it is important to remember that we do not go through these times alone. God is always present with us whether the storms of life are raging or whether the sunlight is filtering through the days of our lives. 

God is our source of strength and courage and He will always keep our lamps burning if we rely on Him. While it is inevitable that there will be dark days in life, God is able to turn our darkness into light. 

In the book of John, Chapter 8 and verse 12 Jesus says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." This is a promise that we can hang onto when the dark days come. We know that Christ has overcome all the darkness and better days lay ahead for each of us. 

I hope you will join me in putting your trust in Jesus, God in earthly form, who has promised to never leave our side.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Bright Tablescape for Summer

 Bringing Positivity To The Table

Hi everyone!  As promised, I'm sharing the tablescape I created using the lovely dishes I purchased recently. Yellow is such a bright and cheerful color and that is the color that dominates in this tablescape. 

I enjoy the positive message that is written on the plates and the insides of the bowls. And the touches of green on the plates and the little bit of blue on the glasses adds just the right touch of additional color. 

And this is my "creative brainstorm" for a centerpiece. Blueberries in a clear, glass bowl with a colorful silk flower added in the middle. The unexpected color of the silk flower adds a bit of "oomph" to the yellows, in my opinion. 

This was a fun tablescape to put together and I was pleased to be able to use the yellow placemats that I already had on hand. What do you think? Are these colors that appeal to you? Have you been using your creativity lately? Be sure to let me know in the comments. I look forward to hearing from you!

Until Next Time,

Monday, July 1, 2024

Ready for The 4th of July

 Subtle Red, White and Blue

Hello friends! Hard to believe but we are almost to July 4th and so today I'm sharing some ideas for subtle hints of red, white and blue. The Mr. found this t-shirt for me the other day and brought it home and I really am enjoying wearing it! The flower containers with "America the Beautiful" written underneath gives a nod to the 4th of July but also allows me to continue wearing this shirt throughout the year. I needed a new t-shirt anyway and this one is a winner!

I wanted to do a pretty floral arrangement that would be great for the 4th but that would also be useable at any time. I was so lucky to find some really pretty floral bushes in softer shades of red, white and blue. I love the result of this arrangement and can use many of these flowers at other times of year, as well. 

This is how the foyer looks right now and I'm very pleased with the results! 

I hope that you and yours enjoy a wonderful 4th of July and a wonderful day if you live outside the USA. Take care and have a great week ahead!

Until Next Time,