Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thankful Friday


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

I Chronicles 16:34

Hello everyone! Tell me, what are you grateful for today? Being grateful is important in reminding ourselves, even during tough times, that we enjoy many blessings. The sign you see pictured above is a new sign that I keep in the window in "my" room where I like to read, play music or do crafts. The sign is a daily reminder to me to begin each day with a grateful heart. This is definitely something I need to focus on more. How about you?

One thing I am grateful for this week is that we have had several days where, at least part of the day, there has been sunshine! Seeing the sun lifts my spirits so much and The Mr. and I were able to get outside and go for a walk together in the warmer temperatures. 

We have walked at this lake a couple of times and each time I really enjoy it. The scenery is pretty and there were interesting geese and ducks on the lake. 

The coloring of these ducks was quite interesting. I'm not a duck expert so I don't know what type they are. They seem to be enjoying lounging lakeside. 

I'm grateful, also, for being able to accomplish some chores around the house this week, some delicious foods we enjoyed and a good handbell rehearsal this past Monday evening. It was the first time in two years that the handbell choir was able to rehearse in our bell room due to Covid concerns. We have been practicing in the sanctuary where we could spread apart more but decided it was time to return to "our" room. Our church has installed new ventilation systems throughout the church to protect people and that, combined with everyone continuing to wear masks, helps us to be as safe as possible. I'm very grateful for all of this. 

Would you like to join in my Thankful Friday? Let me know in the comments what you are grateful for today. 

Until Next Time,

Thursday, February 17, 2022

It All Started With Fashion Dolls

 Playing With Fashion Dolls

Hello everyone. I had so much fun doing this post and I hope you find it as enjoyable. I'm talking today about fashion dolls and the role they played in my life with helping me to develop a love of fashion. 

How cool is the little pink storage shelf for her headband and sunglasses?!

I must have been around eight or nine years old when I was gifted my first fashion doll. I can't remember if it was a Barbie or another type fashion doll. I seem to recall there was a Misty fashion doll that came with markers that you could use to change the color of her hair. That was lots of fun! I did have a Barbie, though, as well. She had brown hair and I loved dressing all of my fashion dolls in different outfits and doing their hair. 

Image courtesy Pinterest
This looks similar to my Misty fashion doll

Anyway, I had a bout of nostalgia today when I was shopping at Dollar Tree and saw this fashion doll that reminded me of my fashion doll from long ago. This doll is not a Barbie brand doll. Although she came with an outfit and a few accessories, I had to purchase a ball gown for her (well of course!!) as well as a few other accessories. I came home and began playing, I mean doing serious blogger styling, with her. She needs another color shoe with her ball gown but I didn't purchase extra shoes. Maybe on the next trip to Dollar Tree? I did, however, give her a bouquet to hold!

This doll came with her hair in a pony tail but I couldn't wait to take her hair down and mess with it! One of her accessories is a little comb, so I combed her hair and then I just had to give her an updo to wear with her ball gown! She came with several headbands so I used the purple headband as a tiara style with her updo. Like I said, I was having SO MUCH FUN! By the way, does anyone else look at this doll's face and see Katy Perry? For some reason, she reminds me of her. 

I truly loved my fashion dolls when I was a little girl and took them everywhere we me in a little cloth suitcase. That way, I was able to play with them wherever I went. I have to admit that kids have it pretty good nowadays with Dollar Tree stores. When I was little it was a big deal to get a new outfit for my dolls. Sometimes, my mom or one of my sisters made fashion doll clothes for me. That was really cool. Today, kids just can go to Dollar Tree and buy a new outfit for $1 (now $1.25--inflation you know!) I loved the whole kit and kaboodle when it came to the doll's fashion. Shoes, dresses, jewelry, hats, coats, you name it. I felt like a grown-up when I dressed my dolls and pretended they were having "groovy" adventures. (Sixties and seventies lingo, hah!) As I got older my interest began to wain a bit because I was getting into my own early teenage fashion. My last fashion doll was a Crissy doll. Remember her? Her hair was red and when you pushed a button on her belly her hair would grow and then she had a knob on her back to wind the hair back up to be short. Oh how I loved messing with her hair! I think I still have my Crissy doll stored away along with some of the doll clothes my mom made for her.  

Image courtesy Wikipedia

So, did playing with fashion dolls when I was little contribute to my love for and enjoyment of fashion today? While I don't think it was the only thing that contributed, I certainly think it had a lot to do with it. I feel that, as an adult, when I put outfits together and find just the right jewelry or shoes to wear I am becoming a bit of a life size fashion doll having the same fun and enjoyment that I had when I was nine years old! (Dare I say groovy fun and enjoyment???)

I have to admit that I got kind of excited playing with my fashion doll this evening and getting her all prettied up for this photo shoot. Is 63 too old to play with dolls? Nah....especially since I wasn't REALLY playing. I was doing serious fashion doll research for this post. I may need to do more serious research in the there may be another trip to Dollar Tree for a few new outfits. And shoes. After all, my fashion doll can't wear pink shoes with everything!!

Until Next Time,

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Red and Yellow Valentine Table Setting and More


Hi everyone!  One of the things I enjoy about creating tablescapes is discovering colors that I think look fabulous together. I opened the cabinet where I keep placemats and pulled out these well used yellow ones and started building on them as a base. The red, white and yellow just all seemed to blend beautifully together!

In years past I used this Valentine glass/vase as a holder for straws. This year it is a vase holding flowers, heart picks and pearls. I wadded up a couple red napkins in the bottom to act as "filler" and also to cover up the bottoms of the flowers. 

The red tones carry through on the saucers, napkins and small heart dishes. And do you notice that something is missing? I only discovered it after I had taken the pics and loaded them up on the computer but, if you notice, let me know in the comments. 

You know, this is a very simple table setting that anyone can mimic if you wish. Look through your cabinets and see what you have that you would enjoy using to create a fun tablescape for Valentine's, or any day! 

Now, for something a bit different. I spent some time crafting last evening and got around to creating more of a "winter type" wreath for our front door. This wreath wouldn't look like much without the crystal snowflakes which add such a nice sparkle! It matches the other sparkly items in the foyer and is so cheerful to see when we walk by, especially at night when the foyer looks like ice is sparkling. 

And, finally, here is some yummy soup I made for dinner last night. It was a simple vegetable soup with a tomato sauce and chicken broth base topped with a special couscous. I sauteed onions, mushrooms and spinach and added to the couscous before topping the soup to add some heartiness to the meal. It was SO good!

Let me know what you have been eating, crafting and enjoying in your world. And enjoy a lovely Valentine's Day. Be kind to yourself!

Until Next Time,

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Valentine's Day On A Tray Blog Tour


Hello everyone!  I'm excited today to be joining in on a blog tour hosted by the lovely Katherine of Today's tour features many ways to style a tray for Valentine's Day and I know you will love all of the creativity. Be sure to visit each of the blogs to see all of the goodness. And if you are hopping over from The Painted Apron then Welcome!

I actually ended up styling two trays but this one is the "main" one. I used a metal oval tray decorated with flowers to build on. The Dollar Tree had a lot of cute items for Valentine's Day so I took advantage of purchasing a mini Be My Valentine mailbox topped with some Valentine heart beads, a couple cute stuffed animals in pink and white and some glittery Valentine heart flowers. I already owned the pink/purple snowgirl which fit in well with the color scheme. 

I've had some fun moving my tray around to different locations in the dining room to see where it looks best. And that's the beauty of Valentine's on a Tray. It's moveable! 

I decided to continue with the Valentine Tray inspiration by styling a second tray. This is a two tier tray that is thin and doesn't take up much space. If you visited the Christmas on a Tray blog tour, you will remember this fun little tray! I topped each tier with some red and white scrapbook paper and then added some fun wintery/Valentine items such as clear snowflakes, a red cardinal, some little animals, a little cottage and of course my stuffed snow lady wearing purple and red! 

Both of these trays add a touch of Valentine's Day to the corner of our dining room. 

I hope you got some fun ideas for decorating a Valentine tray of your own!  

You won't want to miss any of the blogs on this tour. Be sure to head on over to Everyday Edits next and thanks so much for stopping by!

Until Next Time,

Thursday, February 10, 2022

What Do You Love About Your Home?


Hello everyone! Today, as we continue in this month of all things love, I'm contemplating what I love about our home. My mind is doing a visual inspection room by room as I think about this and I can honestly say there is a lot to love about our home. If I focus on a favorite room to love, it would have to be our kitchen.


I can honestly say that our kitchen is truly the heart of our home and I love that! We spend a lot of time here. Of course, we prepare meals in this space. But, we also sit and talk as we have a comfy bear chair in here in addition to comfortable ladder back bar stools. Sometimes we watch tv or The Mr. sits at the counter and talks to me while I cook dinner or I sit and talk to him while he cooks. The counter is also my craft space when I need to lay things out.

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, it took a long time to renovate our kitchen. A total of about fourteen months. So when we finally got it finished we truly were ready to appreciate it! And we really do "live" in this space a lot and find it to be very enjoyable. 

The bear chair didn't start out in the kitchen but, somehow, over time it migrated here and it is sat in each and every day by someone in our family (including fur members). I love this chair and looked at it in a store for several months before "suggesting" to The Mr. that it would be the perfect retirement gift for me. I'm so glad I made that suggestion! It has a matching footstool that we use in our living room. We tried using the footstool in the kitchen but felt it was a tripping hazard so it lives happily in our living room for now. 

While I love many rooms in our home, the kitchen is certainly dear to my heart. What room is most loved in your home? 

Be sure to stop by the blog on Saturday, February 12th, when I will be participating in another blog hop. This one is for Valentines Day and I think you will really enjoy it. I know I am running posts close together but, oh well. That's the way I roll sometimes. 

I would also appreciate your prayers. We lost a family member last week and it has been a bit rough as my whole family mourns our loss. Blessings to all of you dear readers. 

Until Next Time,