Thursday, May 24, 2018

Satin Mini Pleats-A Magical Top!

What's Not To Love?

Hey friends! Guess who's excited about sharing a top with you today? It's me! If you read my recent post about my amazing trip to Folly Beach and Charleston, SC then you heard me mention that I might have done some shopping at the Charleston City Market. Today, I'm sharing one of two tops I bought at the Market and the brand is called "Magic It Fits" which is a division of The Magic Scarf Company. This is not a gifted or sponsored post. I paid my own hard earned money for these tops. And, I had not previously heard of The Magic Scarf Company. But, I gotta tell you, I'm pretty impressed with this top!

The sales lady at the booth I visited was selling lots of different styles of Magic It Fits clothing, including dresses. In addition to this mini pleat top with 3/4 length sleeves, I also bought a mini-pleat blouse with collar which I will share on another post. I took photos from all angles so you could see the slimming affect of this top. I LOVE that!

The first thing that caught my eye with this top was the pretty fabric. My friend Sharon and I strolled by the booth, I saw this top and I had to give it a second look! The sales lady explained that this clothing is "one size fits all" from 0-20. I can't vouch for anyone else's size, but she allowed me to pull it on over the top I was wearing and I was amazed how it molded right to me and looked good immediately even over my other top. 

How great will this top be for travel?! It doesn't wrinkle and the sales lady said it is quick to dry so that's another plus with travel. Wash it in cold water in the hotel sink and in just a bit it will be dry and ready to wear again. I notice the online prices are a bit more than I paid at The Charleston City Market but I may be back to have a look at some of their other choices online anyway. I did look at Amazon to see if they had Magic Fit clothing. I found Magic Scarves but not clothing. Someone let me know if you find this clothing elsewhere! The capri pants I'm wearing are by Rafaella and I got them at Sam's Club. They need a post all their own to explain the adventure of picking out a size so I'll save that story for another day! 

So tell me, what magic is happening in your life right now? Hope you will take a moment to share, leave a comment, let me know how you are doing. You to me, OK? I love your comments. And, remember, I'm rebuilding my "Follow Me By Email" so hope you will take a moment to follow me, as well. 

Until Next Time,

Linking With:


Lay said...

I love this top and will definitely be looking for some for myself. The magic in my life right now is that I am riding the subway (with my friend) in NYC and we've been getting where we want to go! I feel like a subway rock star. Now, THAT'S magical!!! Maybe not as magical as your shirt, but pretty close for me. 😊

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Lovely top which perfectly matches the color of your pants :-) Great find!


Sharon said...

Wow, this top looks even more beautiful in your post pictures paired with those blue capris! I think you chose well as we walked through the Charleston market.

Amy Johnson said...

Wow! That's incredible! I love how it shapes to your body. I was at City Market last year but didn't notice those tops.

Karen said...

Beautiful top Debbie! I have one Magic Scarf top and love it - it is light as air and so nice to wear even when the weather is warm. The style and pattern of your top is just beautiful and I love the pleats. And the color! Everything about it! Your crops are cute too and fit really well. That can be tough getting those to fit just right but yours sure do!

Jessica Jannenga said...

That top does look magical on you! Clothing is all about making us feel good too, and i can tell you do! :-) Love the colors on you and the bright colors of your capris! We love Charleston!
thanks for linking!
jess xx