Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday Scriptures: The Prayer That Never Fails

Thy Will Be Done

Most of you know that one of my favorite authors is Jan Karon, who writes the Mitford Series books. I recently was blessed to be able to meet Jan Karon in person. In her books, the main character, Father Tim, often will pray what he calls the "prayer that never fails." After pondering on that prayer through several books, I realized that this prayer must be, "Thy will be done."  It is a simple set of words that carries huge power. As humans, it is often difficult to know how to pray or what specifically to pray for in a situation. When I give my concerns to God, however, and simply ask that God's will be done, it takes the pressure off. The situation is in God's hands and I know that God will make the right call. Does this mean I always like "the right call?" Not at all. In the past some answers to prayer have meant losing someone I loved dearly through death, not being able to have a baby and moving when I really didn't want to do so. But, other answers have brought great joy to my life, such as choosing to marry my husband, going back to school to pursue new aspects of my career and choosing the right time to retire. In praying the "prayer that never fails" I feel that I am opening my spirit to listen for God's call and timing in my life, realizing that my life is truly in God's hands. 

There are those folks who will likely disagree that in praying the "prayer that never fails," the right thing will happen. And, please understand, I am not saying here that I believe that God makes bad things happen, because I don't believe that. But, as the King of the Universe, I do believe that God sees the big picture in my life and knows the future and all of the ins and outs that I cannot possibly see. I believe that God has power to weave my life, using all the joys and difficulties, into the beautiful tapestry that He has planned for me. And that is why I rely on the "prayer that never fails." 

Tell me, do you pray the prayer that never fails? 

"This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven..."
Matthew 6: 9-13 (NIV)



Karen said...

I do pray that prayer. Sometimes I add a disclaimer, "but if it can be Your will, could You please..." and that is not the right way to pray that prayer. Praying "Thy will be done" can be scary to our human minds and takes great trust and faith. But God alone knows what's best, and while we may not like the answer, He knows better than we do. It's a difficult concept, I think, because it takes complete trust in Someone other than ourselves.

Debbie Styles Life said...

I add that disclaimer often, Karen. Blessings!!